Mobile App Creation

8 mobile app development trends in 2022

The cell phone was a luxury until the late 1990s. Today it is a rudimentary need that we can’t do without. In the beginning, cell phones allowed us to contact each other, while today they allow us to do much, much more than just make calls. Equipped with multimedia features, a myriad of sensors and an ever-expanding array of multi functional applications, smartphones have become the most indispensable devices in our lives.
Every year, new technological advances make our mobile devices better. More than 40 percent of the world’s population now owns a smartphone, and by the end of the year, more than 300 million new people will join the list.
The smartphone industry is currently at its peak, thanks in large part to mobile apps, which have played a major role in this success. Mobile apps have already changed the way we shop, communicate or meet our everyday needs. In an increasingly digitalized world, mobile applications are becoming more and more sophisticated and powerful. Every day, the capabilities of these applications make leaps and bounds.
In 2022, the field of application development will again see significant advances that will transform the way we leverage our smartphones.
In this article we will discuss some of these advances.

Also read: Which language should you choose to develop your mobile application?

1. The 5G network

One of the major technological advances in telecommunications in recent years is of course 5G. The 5G is expected to change history with its features and functionality at the cutting edge of technology.
Mobile application development will experience a shakeup with the arrival of 5G: developers will have to make sure their applications make the most of this technological advancement to help end users manage their daily mobile tasks even more easily.

2. On-demand applications in 2022

Uber Eats

The most popular apps are improving service and customer experience. On-demand applications are a growing trend in application development and this trend will continue in 2022. These applications help to perform daily tasks quickly and comfortably.
On-demand apps have many purposes, such as healthcare, beauty care, grocery shopping, retail, food delivery, getting a VTC, etc. They provide the location of the users and provide the available services, instantly.

3. Instant-App

Instant-apps, or instant applications, allow users to try games or applications without having to install them on their device.
This method is perfect for allowing users to understand the basic functionality of an app without having to download it. This helps mobile users decide whether they want to install the application on their devices.
These apps are most useful when combined with marketing strategies to reach target audiences and get them to download the app. Therefore, we can expect them to be very popular this year.

Also read : The 7 advantages of the continuous integration method

4. Applications ” wereables

Apple Watch

The integration of “wereables” applications is growing significantly around the world.

The connected watch market is doing very well after a slowdown in 2020, there are no less than 100 million users of Apple Watch which has the largest market share alongside Samsung and Garmin for which sales have also grown. Entry-level watches at less than €100 saw their sales increase by 547% in 2021.

Thanks to technological innovation, we can predict that wearable apps will become a new important need in our daily lives. Apple recently announced an update to WatchOS. Apple’s Watch apps will no longer need an additional iOS app and will have their own App Store. This shows that the rise of the wearable app will indeed be one of the significant trends in mobile app development in 2022.

Also read : How to create an application for iOS?

5. Cloud-based applications

Cloud development will be in the spotlight. With the rise of iOT (Internet of Things) and its increasing use, cloud-based applications will see great success and advancements.
Cloud-based application development allows mobile developers to reduce the size of their applications while improving information interoperability.

Also read 7 ways to increase engagement on your mobile app

6. The rise of artificial intelligence in 2022

The advent of Artificial Intelligence has transformed nearly every industry or business segment. With voice recognition and face identification capabilities, this technology allows applications to identify and predict user behavior, integrate high-end security features, and identify objects that are scanned by the camera.

Also read 10 ideas for mobile applications to develop in 2022

7. Augmented reality

Citröen gamification

Interest in Augmented Reality continues to grow in sectors such as medical, retail, education or travel. Augmented reality is not about building an artificial world to replace the original one.
It’s about presenting more data or objects in reality: with pandemics, lockdowns leading to business closures, customers are turning to online activity. Many smart sectors are turning to AR to provide customers with an experience as close as possible to the one they would find in a store.

8. New screen formats

The various “foldable” smartphones (Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3, Galaxy Z Flip 3, Huawei Mate Xs, Motorola Razr to name the best known) are trying to make their way into the high-end device market.
The challenge for mobile application developers is to adapt to different display modes and screen diagonals, it is possible to “play” with the features offered by these foldable screens.

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