Mobile App Creation

8 tips to increase your sales on your mobile application

If the use of the smartphone is now commonplace, the act of buying on mobile is much less so.
Users spend a lot of time browsing on their smartphone looking for products. However, it is still mostly on the computer that the actual purchase takes place. But all this is not inevitable!
To increase your sales on your mobile application and become a successful marketplace, here are some tips.

1. Optimize your mobile application

The mobile application cannot be a simple mobile version of the website. It meets specific constraints. The content will indeed be consulted on a smaller screen.
This implies simplifying the content as much as possible to offer a light navigation and an excellent visibility of each product.
The loading speed is also a central point in the conversion.

2. Facilitate the purchase path

Still in this logic of optimization of the mobile application, the purchase path must be rethought to encourage the user to take action.
This implies reducing the number of clicks required for the purchase as much as possible. Other features can also be implemented, such as one-click payment.

3. Offer unique content

Your mobile app should be perceived as a media in its own right. To justify its download and use, it must offer customers added value.
This can take different forms: discount coupons, the ability to scan products in-store to avoid the checkout line, personalized suggestions etc.

4. Use all the tools of the smartphone

If you’re going to be on mobile, you might as well use all the options!
The camera in particular can be a real vector of communication between you and your customers. By encouraging your users to take pictures of your products in real life and share these pictures on social networks for example. Or by organizing photo contests.
GPS can also help identify your nearest physical stores if you have any.
Map mobile application

5. Brand your presence on social networks to sell on your mobile application

At a time when social networks are becoming the main vector of information and communication, it is crucial to have at least one business page on Facebook.
Through it, you can promote products, share photos and use this space as a tunnel to your mobile application.
The interactivity and the reviews left by your customers will play a major role in your success.

6. Improve customer knowledge

Another direct consequence of the presence on social networks: the possibility to better identify your customers.
By analyzing the content that generates the most interactions, the profile of the participants, the hours that bring the most traffic, etc., you can refine your customer profile and use this data to optimize your services on your mobile application.

7. Stay visible by keeping your customers informed

This may seem basic but it’s always good to be reminded. A customer who has downloaded your application can either :

  • Have an interest in your brand
  • Have already purchased a product on your website/mobile or app

To avoid losing these customers and generate more sales, it’s important to remember them.
For this, several ways: SMS, What’s App, Newsletter or push notifications. The latter being an integral part of mobile applications, they are an effective way to announce a new product, a promotion or to offer personalized suggestions.

8. Set up a chatbot to respond to customer requests

Internet and mobile users have become accustomed to being able to get in touch with a brand through different channels. Among them, social networks are particularly appreciated.
To exploit this expectation and also deploy it at the level of your mobile application, the chatbot is an excellent solution.
This system of conversation with a robot, allows to answer the most frequent requests of users. They have the advantage of being fast and convenient for the customer and relieve the customer service on the business side.
Recipe chatbot mobile app

Today there are very intuitive and simple tools to set up chatbots on Facebook as well as on other platforms, sites or applications. And considering the speed with which this type of communication has been adopted, it would be a shame to miss it.

With these 8 tips, you should increase your sales via your mobile app. A good customer knowledge, an adapted service and a user friendly application will help you to prosper.

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